Heritage Tri Purpose Bresse

The Bresse chicken (pronounced “bress” like “dress”) originated in France and debuted in 1591.  They were imported into the United States by Greenfire Farms in Midway, Florida in 2011.  From this time on they have become known as the “American Bresse”.  In France, the Bresse chicken is known as Poulet de Bresse.

The American Poulty Association (APA) has not recognized the American Bresse as an official breed at this time so the “standards” are very indiscriminate.  Here at Crazy Cluckers Farm we are striving to breed to the French Standard of Perfection (SOP) and raise the White, Black and Blue varieties.  For the record there are a few more varieties out there and in case you’re wondering all Bresse should have blue colored legs, with dark blue being the most sought after. 

There are many reasons why the Bresse is considered the up and coming number one heritage chicken breed.  The most publicized is the flavor of the meat and why it is known as “the queen of poultry; the poultry of kings” and is touted for its highly marbled meat.  Of course to achieve this they are finished in a crate at eight months (caponized roosters, 4 mo for hens) and fed a mash of grains and milk for a couple weeks until harvest (traditionally goats milk).  Even more elaborate, in France they are served with the head and feet intact complete with a brass band that identifies the breeder and producer.  This may not be practical to most of us in the US.

While the American Bresse is a very tasty table bird there are at least three more reasons that entice homesteaders to replace their hybrid Meat Birds with a dual tri-purpose heritage chicken. 

  1. THE FEED BILL!  While the meat varieties tend to live at the feeder, Bresse are some of the best foragers not to mention very predator savvy.
  2. When compared to other heritage birds they grow much faster.  Simeon of Simeon & Alex (formerly Swedish Homestead) tested their growth rate against the Bielefelder breed and they outperformed!  You’ll find that link to that video on our Homepage or just click this hot link; “Weighty Truth – Which Chicken Breed Grows Fastest
  3. EGG PRODUCTION!  Again referring to another Swedish Homestead video “This Chicken Breed Will Blow Your Mind” where he concluded the Bresse on average we’re laying 300 eggs per year per bird!  Not only is that an outstanding they typically lay their first egg at 16 weeks versus the national average of 18-22.  We have had one that laid her first egg at 14 weeks!

While it’s nice to put meat in the freezer at eight weeks it comes at a cost and all you get is meat and a big feed bill.  So why not raise the American Bresse where you can also have eggs to eat/hatch as well as tastier meat in sixteen weeks?  The more they forage the less you pay!